Thank you for supporting Donovan!
While tuition and fees are our largest revenue source, we must rely on the generosity of parents, alumni, local businesses, and friends of Monsignor Donovan Catholic High School to fund annual operations.
The Donovan Fund is our annual giving program that allows us to meet our current needs and plan for the future. It is our sincere hope that our families and friends of Donovan will participate with a gift to the school each year.
Mardi Gras at Donovan, an event held every February, offers additional ways to give to Donovan. Please check the school calendar for more information about volunteer meetings, sponsorship programs, or ticket sales. Other forms of giving such as corporate sponsorships, gifts in kind, the endowment fund, and legacy gifts are also appreciated.

Our Donovan Story:
In the beginning…
Ways to Give
All charitable gifts to Monsignor Donovan Catholic High School are tax deductible. To learn more about giving to Monsignor Donovan Catholic High School, please review the information provided below or contact
Megan Wentworth at (706) 433-0223 or If you need quick information or a pledge/gift form, please check our Document Library.
Check or Cash
Checks should be made payable to Monsignor Donovan Catholic High School and noted as a “gift” or “pledge payment” in the memo line of your check. Checks may be mailed to the School or hand-delivered. Cash is best delivered by hand to the main office in a sealed envelope. All gifts should be addressed to attention of the Director of Advancement. Enclosing a completed Gift/Pledge Form from our document library will help us accurately credit your giving records.
Appreciated Securities, Real Estate, Trust and Estate Gifts
We commonly accept these gifts. Due to the constantly changing nature of our tax laws, please consult your legal or financial advisor before making such a gift. Gifts of stock and personal property may be sold soon after transfer as a matter of school policy. Stock Transfer Information and Sample Will Language can be found in our Document Library below.
Matching Gifts from Employers
Donors also may want to ask their employers about its matching gift program. These programs match the amount of the donor’s gift, often doubling or even tripling an individual’s donation. Simply turn in your matching gift form to Donovan (usually provided by the employer’s human resources officer) with your gift and we will take care of the rest!
In large and small ways, donors to Donovan High School help with our everyday needs. Occasionally, donors purchase new items directly for the benefit of the school or donate gently used items (sports equipment, for example). Furthermore, some give of their expertise or time in ways that have cash value. We wish to keep accurate records of these donations and encourage you to complete a gift-in-kind form which allows us to give you gift credit where appropriate.
The Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program
The GOAL Program is a remarkable and important opportunity provided to Georgians by our elected officials.
In exchange for contributions to Georgia GOAL, our partner Student Scholarship Organization, taxpayers receive a 100% state income tax credit!
This is a proven opportunity that is a win-win-win for taxpayer donors, scholarship recipients, and our school community. By simply contributing to Georgia GOAL for a 100% Georgia income tax credit – in other words, by contributing with dollars you must spend anyway, you will help maximize financial aid for deserving families desiring to receive a Monsignor Donovan Catholic High School education.