Day of Service
Event Details
On Monday, January 20, Monsignor Donovan students will be volunteering at various sites in the greater Athens area. Athens MLK Day of Service is an annual celebration in support of
Event Details
On Monday, January 20, Monsignor Donovan students will be volunteering at various sites in the greater Athens area. Athens MLK Day of Service is an annual celebration in support of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday and commitment to service. In 1994, Congress made the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday an official day of service. Athens, Georgia is one of the thousands of cities across the United States that decided to make this "A Day On and Not a Day Off."
January 20 is considered a regular school day for students despite the off-campus activities. Therefore, attendance will be taken. Students will receive service hours from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm (6 hours) for participating on this day.
We strive to form students who will use their talents to compassionately serve their community, working to build a more just and equitable society. Apostolic stewardship of our local community allows students to encounter Christ, to imitate Christ, and to grow closer to Christ through service. We hope to see our students "Radiate the Lord" through this experience. Thank you in advance for being a part of this day and representing your family, Christ, and our school in an honorable way.
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January 20, 2020 All Day(GMT+00:00)